Friday, December 3, 2010

A Marriage Toast

The other night I was looking through a 3-ring binder and came upon a toast that I had prepared back in 2007 when Casey got married.  It surprised me, because it was totally unrelated to the rest of the contents of the binder.  My first thought was, "Hey, maybe I should post this."  But after I read it, I decided that no one would be interested in a marriage toast.  I put it back in the binder and closed it.  But then, the little voice in my head (or does that voice live on my shoulder and whisper in my ear?...never really sure) made me pull it out again.  I'm trying harder to pay attention to these whispers, so here is the toast. 
Perhaps there is someone out there who will read this and it will resonate with them.    Or perhaps, it is to reiterate how lucky I am to have acquired these wonderful children by marriage. Or just maybe, it will prompt someone to tell their loved ones that they do love them...and why. 
Whatever.... here it is, along with pictures of my dear children and their partners from July of 2007.
As far as I’m concerned, the reason that we are here on this earth is to find joy.  As long as we are living a truly joyful life, we know we’re doing the right thing.
I have been so blessed…I have had a life filled with joy.  And a large part of that is due to my three wonderful children.
I read a quote a couple of weeks ago and it went something like this.  “When you make the decision to have children, you also decide to live forever with your heart outside your body.”  I think that truer words were never spoken.
Part of my heart lives in Maine with my oldest son, Joe.  Part in Montana with Aubrey, and now part lives in the Seattle area with Casey.  And for the last few years I’ve been filled with joy to see them grow into fine people.  And they have found absolutely perfect partners.
Joe, you and Katie found each other several years ago.  Katie, you are perfect for Joe.  You have adventured so many wonderful places in the world.  You’ve acquired all kinds of education together.  You put up with his endless projects. 
You are steadfast and I love you.
Brad, it seems to me that you and Aubrey were both searching for yourselves when you found each other.  And your marriage has grown as you’ve built your lives together.  It has withstood trials that would have made other marriages fall apart.  You’ve been to Iraq and back.  You’ve built your home and careers.  And now you’ve given us those two bundles of joy, Jacob and Christian.  Thank you for your honor.  You, too, are perfect and I love you.
And just when you think that life can’t get any better.  It does!  Kylene, you came into Casey’s life at the perfect time.  Thank you for knowing what you wanted and pursuing it.  You have brought grace into our lives.  You are perfect for Casey.  And I love you.

They say that you’d better be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.  I say, be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it and SO MUCH MORE!!
So, I would like to honor and toast all my children and their perfect partners. 
And here’s to Joy!


  1. That was beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  2. beautiful post and beautiful pictures!
